Management Consulting Services
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Business analysis is the process of analyzing and influencing three distinctly different aspects of the business, which combined, affect the enterprise at every level, these are:
Business Strategy - Analyzing the strategic profile of the company and implementing policy changes based upon this analysis.
Business Architecture - Analysis of the actual way in which the business functions. This includes evaluating objectives and the resources and processes currently in place to achieve them. Changes to the business architecture will be made based upon this analysis.
Business Systems - Analysis of the businesses information systems needs, defining required changes to information systems based upon this analysis.
Contact us to learn more about how SGA can help support your Business Analysis requirements.
Strategy development is fundamental to creating and running a business. Simply put, it’s a game plan that sets specific goals and objectives but like a game plan, it is capable of being changed in response to shifting market dynamics. Here are the basic steps to strategic planning.
1) Set long-term goals.
2) Conduct a market and competitive analysis.
3) Assess where the company is now.
4) Do a SWOT analysis--Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.
5) Compare where the company is now and five years out.
6) Map out strategic plan in writing, monthly for year 1, then quarterly and finally annually in the later years.
Contact us to learn more about how SGA can help support your Strategy Development requirements.
RFP responses are replies to formal requests for goods and services, and are often used by companies to win business. The RFP response process includes the following steps:
1) Develop an accurate and easy to use table of contents
2) Address all mandatory requirements
3) Use a checklist to track information
4) Follow instructions and answer the questions
5) Be aware of rated requirements
Contact us to learn more about how SGA can help support your RFP response requirements.
Business plans should be concise, easy to understand documents that address the main issues simply, with relevant supporting detail.
Each plan includes the following minimum elements:
1) Executive Summary
2) The Market Opportunity
3) Strategic Action Plan
4) Recommendations
Contact us to learn more about how SGA can help support your Business Case & Execution Plan requirements.
Partnerships & Alliances are often key enablers for business growth. We work with executives to highlight organizational goals and develop a road map to achieve intended performance targets. We address all areas of Alliances and Partnerships, including:
Deal Making
Launch and Pre-Launch Activities
Marketing Management
Relationship Management
Sales Management
Contact us to learn more about how SGA can help support your Partnership & Alliance requirements.
Presentations come in many forms; from sales, informational and motivational presentations to first encounters, interviews, briefings, status reports, image-building, and training sessions. We work with organizations to develop the right tool for the intended objective.
Our team has 20+ years of experience planning and delivering presentations to audiences from 1 to well over 5,000 people.
Contact us to learn more about how SGA can help support your Presentation requirements.
A Risk Management Plan is a document prepared to foresee risks, estimate potential impacts, and create response plans to mitigate them. It also includes a risk assessment matrix.
A risk is defined as "an uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, has a positive or negative effect on a project's objectives." Risk is inherent with any project, and organizations should assess risks continually and develop plans to address them.
Risk Management plans should detail how organizations:
Accept risk; simply take the chance that the negative impact will be incurred
Avoid risk; changing plans in order to prevent the problem from arising
Mitigate risk; reduce impact through intermediate steps
Transfer risk; outsource risk to a capable third party that can manage the outcome
Contact us to learn more about how SGA can help support your Risk Management requirements.
SGA has invested heavily in leader and leadership development programs. Over the past 15 years, in particular, we have worked with our partner, The Patnaude Group Inc., to develop very high performing individuals and teams.
Leader development focuses on the development of the leader, such as the personal attributes desired in a leader, desired ways of behaving, ways of thinking or feeling.
In contrast, Leadership development focuses on the development of leadership as a process. This includes the interpersonal relationships, social influence process and team dynamics between the leader and his/her team at the dyad level, the contextual factors surrounding the team such as the perception of the organizational climate and the social network linkages between the team and other groups in the organization.
Leadership development has traditionally focused on developing the leadership abilities and attitudes of individuals. People aren't all born with the ability to lead. Different personal characteristics can help or hinder a person's leadership effectiveness and require formalized programs for developing leadership competencies. Yet, everyone can develop their leadership effectiveness. Achieving such development takes focus, practice and persistence more akin to learning a musical instrument than reading a book.
Classroom-style training and associated reading is effective in helping leaders to know more about what is involved in leading well. However, knowing what to do and doing what you know are two very different outcomes. It is estimated that as little as 15% of learning from traditional classroom style training results in sustained behavioral change within the workplace. The success of leadership development efforts has been linked to three variables:
1) Individual learner characteristics
2) The quality and nature of the leadership development program
3) Genuine support for behavioral change from the leader's supervisor
Development is also more likely to occur when the design of the development program integrates:
A range of developmental experiences over a set period of time (e.g. 6–12 months). These experiences may include 360 degree feedback, experiential classroom style programs, business school style coursework, executive coaching, reflective journaling, mentoring and more. Involve goal setting, following an assessment of key developmental needs and then evaluate the achievement of goals after a given time period.
Experiential learning: positioning the individual in the focus of the learning process.
Self efficacy: The right training and coaching should bring about 'Self efficacy' in the trainee.
Visioning: Developing the ability to formulate a clear image of the aspired future of an organization unit.
Contact us to learn more about how SGA can help support your Leadership Development requirements.
Technology Consulting Services
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For more than fifteen years, the SGA team has been leading from the front in enabling advanced architectural concept development for the future of the Internet. Beyond 'Cloud' networks on the ground, single system (LEO/MEO), on-board processor enabled or large single satellite architectures that are in various stages of deployment today, merged terrestrial and space architectures, utilizing cross-linked constellations of satellites, will become the blueprint for future missions and capabilities.
There are many organizations working on elements of this over arching vision. While each element could ultimately play an integral role, none of the current systems are the desired 'end-point'.
Beyond the architectures themselves, operational concepts, policy development, regulatory requirements & governance, global IEEE/IETF standards for space-based systems and unique capabilities development are all areas where SGA can add value to organizations planning to deploy advanced, future-focused architectures.
Contact us to learn more about how SGA can help support your Merged Terrestrial & Space architecture requirements.
Given the increased reliance on networks in virtually every aspect of life in the 21st century, Information Assurance (IA) & Cyber Security are critical elements in every network architecture. From US and Allied Government Type 1 encryption for space, airborne, mobile and ground networks, to commercial SCADA systems, SGA has 27 years of formal training and experience designing, implementing and operating IA systems. Specific examples include: formation of two CCEP programs for commercial embedded solutions, steering group member for the development of HAIPE/HAIPS, commercial advisor to the National Critical Infrastructure Protection Board and commercial IA advisor to the NSSO.
Growing dependence on the Internet by commercial companies, banking and finance industries as well as government and military organizations for mission critical operations created a heightened awareness of the vulnerabilities inherent with a highly connected and interoperable global infrastructure. Building on traditional IA best practices, Cyber Security is the latest term of art for the collective defense-in-depth strategies and tactics necessary to ensure unimpeded operations in the networked world (or more recently, "the Cloud"). With the vision of creating global merged terrestrial & space architectures, SGA has more than a decade of experience designing, planning, implementing and testing Cyber Security solutions that enable the vision.
Contact us to learn more about how SGA can help support your IA/Cyber requirements.
Onboard processing (OBP) can provide greatly improved performance and efficiency over non-processing satellite systems. It can be used advantageously in four places in a communications satellite:
1) Intermediate Frequency (IF) and radio frequency (rf) communications signal switching
2) Support processing
3) Phased array antenna control and beam forming
4) baseband processing and switching
IF and rf switching is generally the simplest, requiring the least amount of processing power. It involves electronically controlled rf/if switches, usually in a matrix format, that can be controlled statically or dynamically, and has been used commercially for some time.
Support processing has traditionally been associated with control of the satellite bus and includes such functions as attitude control, power management and telemetry, and tracking and control (TT&C). Most of these functions can be handled by general purpose onboard computer systems.
Phased array antennas with many independently steerable beams require a large number of radiating elements with individual phase (and amplitude) control for each beam. This signal control can be implemented with analog circuits (for a small number of beams) or digitally.
Baseband processing and switching involves functions similar to those performed in terrestrial IP networks. In addition, demodulation, demultiplexing, error detection and correction, switching, congestion control and notification, buffering, remultiplexing, and modulation and network synchronization must be performed. Most of these functions require specialized processors in order to be size/mass/power efficient.
SGA specializes in mapping mission requirements and/or desired system support capabilities into both hosted payload and on-board processor architectures. From identification of commercially available existing technologies to sourcing custom development, SGA has a proven track-record of helping organizations develop and enable advanced satellite capabilities.
Contact us to learn more about how SGA can help support your Hosted Payload & On-board processor requirements.
SGA specializes in mapping overall mission requirements and/or desired system support capabilities into both Ground Terminal & Processing architectures. From identification of commercially available existing technologies to sourcing custom development, SGA has a proven track-record of helping organizations develop and enable ground terminal & processing capabilities.
Contact us to learn more about how SGA can help support your Ground Terminal & Processing systems requirements.
From simple processing architectures to full-scale enterprise and carrier-class systems, SGA has over 20 years of experience helping organizations architect ground networking solutions to satisfy mission requirements.
Contact us to learn more about how SGA can help support your terrestrial networking requirements.
SGA is expert at engendering opportunities from non-traditional applications of technology. Previous examples include flying slightly modified industrial-ruggedized commercial printed circuit boards on board LEO spacecraft; implementing alternate communications protocols/technologies to exceed mission requirements while reducing cost by an order of magnitude; successfully flying more than 10 million lines of commercially developed processor code on-board satellites; and deploying COTS technologies in the mission-critical downlink (immediately following baseband I/F) of bespoke processing systems
Many organizations define requirements based on previous successes, outdated models or limited data sets. For more than 20 years, the SGA team has been helping customers explore, demonstrate and prove how the appropriate application of new technologies in non-traditional environments can exceed mission requirements, reduce risk, save acquisition and life-cycle support dollars and maximize return on investment.
Contact us to learn more about how SGA can help support your Non-traditional application of technology requirements.
SGA has 25 years of experience acquiring a wide range of technologies and solutions. From purchasing for large Government organizations to helping small businesses establish basic back-office tool sets, SGA has the experience and contacts to simplify the technology acquisition process.
Contact us to learn more about how SGA can help support your Technology Procurement requirements.